This is Why Blogger is Best Platform to make Festival Wishing Websites!!!

There are a lot of reasons to choose instead of Wordpress hosting if you are making your website for Festival Wishing Website.

You don't have an idea that how much traffic you gain if once your website goes viral. If you share your website on social media platforms very well at right time, it may possible that there will up to 70k-80k visitors will come to your site.

Then, What is the problem if I create my website on Wordpress???

# The first problem you are gonna face is your website may be got down by your Hosting Provider due to huge traffics. Because Wordpress can't bear huge traffic, that may be got crashed.

# To make your website on Wordpress you have to pay for both Domain Name and Hosting. But, on Blogger you have to pay for Domain name only. (*But, if you have already an approved Adsense account there is no need to give any cost, you can also use to buy a domain name at free of cost)

# Nowadays, [Https://] is very important for your website. On Blogger you are getting this service free of cost but on other platforms, you have to pay for it.

# And for Beginners, Blogger is the perfect platform I think. Blogger is very easy to set up and operate than Wordpress.


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