Best Hindi Youtube Channel to learn Web Designing

If you're a beginner in web designing field, then you must learn two web designing languages HTML and CSS at first. Because these two coding languages are mostly used in web designing. These two are very easy to learn. If you concentrate over these languages, I guarranty it within one weeks you will cover 60-70% knowledge.

Now, question is- Can anyone learn Web Desinging from websites like ? And My answer is Yes. Yes, you can learn web designing from websites where all required things/instructions are given. By following those instructions, you can easily learn desinging. But...wait..wait...wait...

Learning from websites is good for them whose fundamental/baisc things are clear. That's why I recommend all those fellow beginners to see Web Designing basic video first. In web designing field, there are so many languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, JQUERY etc. Using these languages, you can build beautiful websites even you can make money by making website templates for others.

OK. Now, coming to the main point. There are several Youtubers who provide basic web desinging knowledge in Hindi. But, among them only fews are great I mean teach their viewers like your best friend is helping you in study. I'm telling you this because I have learnt a lot of things from them. Please check out their Youtube Channel once if you are a beginner in Web Desinging field.

Note: I'm not promoting these Youtube Channels for money or anything else. Indeed, I have learnt a couple of languages like HTML, CSS and Material CSS from these Channels.


To learn these two languages, I will recommend you to see Youtube Channel "MentorsAdda" where all your basic doubts will be cleared.

Click here to check out MentorsAdda Youtube Channel


I choose him for Material CSS. Also learned a lot of things like use of VS Code. If you don't know what is materialize css then I would like to say you that it is just like bootstrap, where you have to add some classes and your template looks so much better than other normal template.

Click here to check out Techivivek Youtube Channel

Thapa Technical

I will recommend you this channel to learn Javascript. He has also a playlist of AJAX. Whether AJAX is not a coding language, still very important to learn. AJAX is the mix of Asynochronous Javascript and XML.

Click here to check out Thapa Technical Youtube Channel

[After researching more, I will add other best Web Designing Hindi Youtubers]

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